Michael Keenan, Author at Manychat Blog Manychat Fri, 23 Sep 2022 21:44:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://manychat.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/cropped-Favicon-ManyChat-M-32x32.png Michael Keenan, Author at Manychat Blog 32 32 Guía para principiantes sobre la publicidad de Facebook https://manychat.com/blog/guia-para-principiantes-sobre-la-publicidad-de-facebook/ https://manychat.com/blog/guia-para-principiantes-sobre-la-publicidad-de-facebook/#respond Fri, 23 Sep 2022 21:44:10 +0000 https://manychat.com/blog/?p=20418 Marketing de Facebook: 20 minutos de lectura La publicidad de Facebook es la herramienta más eficaz en el kit de herramientas de un anunciante.  Los anuncios...

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Marketing de Facebook: 20 minutos de lectura

La publicidad de Facebook es la herramienta más eficaz en el kit de herramientas de un anunciante. 

Los anuncios de Facebook pueden ayudarte a lograr varios objetivos comerciales generales, como aumentar el reconocimiento de marca, generar clientes potenciales, aumentar el tráfico al sitio web de la empresa, etc. 

Sin embargo, el proceso de configuración de los anuncios de Facebook no siempre es intuitivo o claro, y lograr que los anuncios sean rentables es un tema aparte. Esta guía te ayudará a crear tu primera campaña publicitaria de Facebook. También te ofrecerá trucos y consejos comprobados que puedes usar para que los anuncios alcancen tus objetivos. 


¿Por qué anunciarse en Facebook?

Facebook es la red de medios sociales más grande de todo el mundo, con 2.800 millones de usuarios activos mensualmente, según datos del cuarto trimestre de 2020. De esos usuarios, 1.600 millones se conectaron con pequeñas empresas en 2018 (este número probablemente haya aumentado desde entonces). 

El porcentaje de conversiones promedio de Facebook para las campañas publicitarias en todos los sectores fue del 9,21% en 2020. Cuando combinas este excelente porcentaje de conversiones con el público masivo de Facebook, lo lógico es que asignes parte de tu presupuesto publicitario a la publicidad de Facebook.

¿Quieres sumarte? Si la respuesta es “Sí”, veamos los tipos de anuncios comunes de Facebook que puedes usar para tu primera campaña.

Tipos de anuncios de Facebook

Los usuarios apasionados de Facebook probablemente hayan notado varios tipos de anuncios diferentes que aparecen en la sección de noticias (¡te perdonamos si no los notaste!). Según el tipo de empresa, algunos anuncios funcionarán mejor que otros. Esta es una lista de todos los posibles tipos de anuncios que puedes crear en Facebook:

  • Una sola imagen
  • Video
  • Secuencia
  • Colección
  • Experiencia instantánea
  • Anuncios dinámicos
  • Clic a Messenger
  • Anuncios para clientes potenciales

Una sola imagen

El tipo de anuncio más usado en Facebook es el de una sola imagen, y por una muy buena razón: es muy fácil de usar. Puedes configurar un anuncio con foto en solo unos minutos y empezar a promocionar tu empresa de inmediato. 

Example of an Image Ad on Facebook

Cuándo se usa

Si quieres promocionar un producto o servicio y quieres configurar un anuncio fácilmente, lo ideal para ti es un anuncio de una sola imagen. Los anuncios basados en imágenes pueden ser una excelente forma de destacar tu empresa entre un montón de publicaciones de texto en una sección de noticias llena de actividad, especialmente si usas buena fotografía, y gráficos y colores atractivos.

Además, un estudio de Facebook descubrió que los anuncios de imágenes estáticas tuvieron mejores resultados que una combinación de imágenes y video, lo que indica que la simplicidad funciona. Sin embargo, ten en cuenta que los costos por conversión pueden aumentar con el tiempo. Si notas una disminución en el retorno de la inversión, puede ser momento de pasar de los anuncios con imágenes estáticas a otros tipos de anuncios.

Especificaciones de los anuncios

  • Tamaño de la imagen recomendado: 1.080 × 1.080 píxeles como mínimo
  • Texto principal: 125 caracteres
  • Título: 40 caracteres
  • Descripción: 30 caracteres


Los anuncios con video son el segundo tipo más popular. En cuanto a la facilidad de configuración, son tan fáciles de crear como los anuncios de una sola imagen. Sin embargo, deberás considerar la producción del video cuando estimes el tiempo de creación total del anuncio. 

Example of a Video Ad on Facebook

Cuándo se usa

Los anuncios con video de Facebook, al igual que los anuncios con foto, son una excelente forma de interrumpir la sección de noticias de un cliente. El beneficio adicional con los videos es que tienen movimiento y permiten captar más la atención. Un anuncio con video bien realizado puede ayudar a promocionar varios productos o mostrar un producto en acción, lo que permite que las personas entiendan mejor cómo este funciona en la vida real. Si tienes las herramientas para producir videos (o tienes los medios para subcontratar este servicio), un anuncio con video te permitirá destacarte entre la multitud.

Especificaciones de los anuncios

  • Tamaño de archivo máximo: 4 GB 
  • Texto principal: 125 caracteres
  • Relación de aspecto: 4:5
  • Bucles continuos disponibles
  • El video puede tener una duración de hasta 241 minutos, pero lo estándar es entre 15 y 30 segundos
  • Puedes usar un video 360° como anuncio


Ahora subimos un poco la apuesta. El anuncio por secuencia puede incluir varias imágenes o videos, cada uno con su “tarjeta de enlace” por las que las personas pueden desplazarse y donde pueden hacer clic en cada enlace individual para explorar un poco más.

Example of a Carousel Ad on Facebook

Cuándo se usa

Si tienes varias publicaciones de productos o páginas de servicio en el sitio web de tu empresa, tal vez puedas destacarlas de forma individual con un anuncio por secuencia. Los anuncios por secuencia te permiten mostrar cada producto de forma individual. Cada tarjeta tiene un enlace exclusivo que te dirige a una determinada página en tu sitio web. También puedes usar las tarjetas de enlace para describir un proceso paso a paso.

Si sientes un impulso creativo, también puedes usar los anuncios por secuencia para crear un anuncio panorámico (similar a lo que puedes ver en las publicaciones con varias fotos de Instagram).

Especificaciones de los anuncios

  • Número de imágenes de la secuencia: entre 2 y 10
  • Tamaño máximo del archivo de la imagen: 30 MB
  • Tamaño máximo del archivo de video: 4 GB
  • Duración del video: desde 1 segundo hasta 240 minutos
  • Texto principal: 125 caracteres
  • Título: 40 caracteres
  • Descripción: 20 caracteres


Los anuncios de colección son uno de los más complicados en cuanto a la creación. Sin embargo, son muy eficaces para atraer de manera inmediata a las personas desde la sección de noticias del celular. Cuentan con un video o una imagen de portada y hasta cuatro imágenes de productos más pequeñas debajo. No solo eso, si la persona hace clic en cualquier lugar del anuncio, se la dirige a una experiencia instantánea.

Adidas collection ads
Image source: Facebook

Cuándo se usa

Al igual que los anuncios por secuencia, es mejor usar los anuncios de colección si quieres vender productos. Los anuncios se usan para lograr que los clientes pasen de la fase de descubrimiento a la fase de compra mediante una transición eficaz y fácil que mantiene a los usuarios en Facebook o Instagram.

Ahora bien, también puedes usar los anuncios de colección como páginas de destino para que los clientes puedan realizar acciones específicas (como comprar un producto que se lanzó recientemente) y, a la vez, permitir que los usuarios permanezcan en Facebook. 

Especificaciones de los anuncios

  • Tipo de imagen: JPG o GIF (se admiten otros archivos, estos son solo formatos recomendados)
  • Tipo de video: MP4, MOV o GIF (igual que en el punto anterior)
  • Resolución: 1.080 x 1.080 como mínimo
  • Texto principal: 125 caracteres
  • Título: 40 caracteres
  • Se requiere experiencia instantánea

Experiencia instantánea

Las experiencias instantáneas, que antes se llamaban anuncios de Canvas, muestran una página de destino de pantalla completa cuando un usuario interactúa con el anuncio. Si alguna vez hiciste clic en un anuncio de Facebook que te llevó a una página de destino externa sabrás lo molesto que puede ser esperar que esa página se cargue. Con una experiencia instantánea de Facebook eso se soluciona.

Cuándo se usa

Si quieres aumentar el tráfico de una página de destino (lo que puede ser beneficioso para varios objetivos comerciales), puedes usar una experiencia instantánea de Facebook en vez de crear un anuncio y vincularlo con un dominio externo. Al mantener a las personas dentro de Facebook te aseguras de que su experiencia esté integrada y sea más sencilla. 

Especificaciones de los anuncios

Hay muchas especificaciones diferentes para las experiencias instantáneas porque puedes usarlas en prácticamente todos los otros formatos de anuncio. (Lee la lista de especificaciones completa). Si bien los aspectos básicos son los mismos, aquí tenemos algunas cuestiones específicas:

  • Puedes tener hasta 20 imágenes (incluidas imágenes con inclinación para panorámica).
  • Las imágenes tienen dos opciones de tamaño: ajustar al ancho (recomendado) o ajustar a la altura. 
  • No hay límite en el número de videos, pero la duración total del video no puede ser de más de dos minutos.
  • Las experiencias instantáneas pueden tener varios bloques de texto de hasta 500 palabras cada uno.

Anuncios dinámicos

¿Quieres volver a dirigirte a los compradores en Facebook? Los anuncios dinámicos son tus nuevos mejores amigos. Facebook puede ayudarte a promocionar productos entre las personas que ya demostraron interés en tu marca visitando tu sitio web o app, o haciendo clic en un anuncio.

El problema es que deberás configurar el píxel de Facebook en tu sitio web para capturar las interacciones del cliente y devolver los datos a Facebook. (Puedes agregar el píxel de Facebook al código del sitio web manualmente o mediante un socio de integración). También necesitarás una cuenta en el administrador comercial y un catálogo de productos para poner en circulación anuncios dinámicos.

Dynamic ad example
Image source: Facebook

Cuándo se usa

Lo mejor es usar los anuncios dinámicos si ya tienes configurado un sitio web de comercio electrónico y cierto tráfico para enviar datos a Facebook. 

Si tu tienda usa la tecnología de Shopify, Magento o BigCommerce tenemos buenas noticias. Puedes configurar automáticamente anuncios dinámicos, en vez de agregar de forma manual un catálogo a Facebook. 

Especificaciones de los anuncios

Facebook crea anuncios dinámicos automáticamente. Solo asegúrate de tener fotos de productos atractivas con alta resolución.

Clic a Messenger

Estos últimos dos tipos son únicos con respecto a que permiten una comunicación activa entre tu empresa y los usuarios de Facebook (en vez de solo mostrar imágenes, videos y enlaces de forma pasiva a los usuarios). En este caso, los anuncios de clic a Messenger dirigen a las personas que hicieron clic en tu anuncio directamente a Messenger, incluso desde Instagram.

click to messenger ad example

Cuándo se usa

Es fundamental entablar relaciones con tus clientes (de hecho, hay una práctica llamada “marketing de relaciones”), y los anuncios de clic a Messenger pueden ayudarte a iniciar conversaciones con posibles clientes. 

Consulta nuestra completa guía de marketing de Facebook Messenger si quieres obtener más información. Algunos ejemplos de casos de uso incluyen entregar contenido, captar registros para webinars o eventos en vivo, permitir reservas o simplemente tener una conversación

Especificaciones de los anuncios

Los anuncios de clic a Messenger funcionan con los tipos de anuncios por secuencia, con imágenes o con videos (lo que implica que se aplican las especificaciones respectivas de cada anuncio). La única diferencia es que seleccionarás “Mensajes” como tu objetivo publicitario al crear el anuncio (esto reemplazará la URL del enlace habitual del sitio web por el enlace de Messenger).

Conéctate con los compradores y haz crecer tu empresa en Facebook con la automatización de marketing de ManyChat. Empieza gratis hoy.

Anuncios para clientes potenciales

También puedes usar los anuncios para clientes potenciales de Facebook para hacer crecer tu empresa. Cuando un usuario hace clic en tu anuncio, verá en pantalla completa un “Formulario instantáneo” para completar. Puedes usar estos formularios para recopilar datos personales como nombres, números de teléfono y direcciones.

Facebook lead ad example
Source: Facebook

Cuándo se usa

Si buscas clientes potenciales inminentes con intención alta, puedes usar los anuncios para clientes potenciales para reservar consultas o llamadas de ventas, coordinar visitas de inmuebles o pruebas de manejo, emplear contratistas, etc. También puedes usar este tipo de anuncio para agregar más contactos a tu lista de correo electrónico a través de registros en eventos o descargas de productos digitales restringidos.

Especificaciones de los anuncios

Puedes usar una imagen o un video como protagonista de tu anuncio, por lo tanto, debes consultar los requisitos básicos de esos anuncios. Estos requisitos son específicos para los anuncios para clientes potenciales:

  • Puedes crear hasta un máximo de 15 preguntas personalizadas.
  • Debes incluir un enlace a la política de privacidad de tu empresa.
  • También debes proporcionar un aviso destacado que explique por qué estás recopilando información personal.

¡Uf! Revisamos todos los diferentes tipos de anuncios que puedes crear en Facebook, por qué podrías elegir uno en particular y las especificaciones recomendadas. Ahora analizaremos cómo configurar tu propio anuncio.

Cómo anunciarse en Facebook

Este es el tutorial básico para configurar un anuncio en Facebook. Desde luego, cuando hagas esto tendrás más pasos en el área de contenido del anuncio, que es la parte donde escribes el texto y agregas el contenido multimedia según el tipo de anuncio que elijas. Analicemos los pasos básicos:

Elige el objetivo

Primero, ve al administrador de anuncios. (Aquí tienes un acceso directo). Luego, presiona el botón verde “+Crear” en la parte superior izquierda.

Create a new ad from Facebook Ads Manager

Desde aquí debes elegir un objetivo publicitario. Si tienes dificultades para elegir uno puedes usar preguntas como “¿Qué quiero que hagan mis clientes cuando vean mi anuncio?” o “¿Qué tipo de resultado quiero lograr?”. Intenta alinear el objetivo de tu anuncio con tus objetivos comerciales (generar más clientes potenciales, aumentar las ventas, mejorar el reconocimiento de marca, etc.). Tómate el tiempo que necesites. Si eliges un objetivo relevante tienes más probabilidades de aumentar el ROAS (retorno de la inversión en publicidad).

Choose your campaign objective

Algunos tipos de anuncios solo funcionan con objetivos específicos. Este es un breve resumen de las restricciones:

  • Imagen: todos los objetivos, excepto “Reproducciones de video” (por razones obvias)
  • Video: cualquier objetivo
  • Secuencia: todos, excepto “Interacción” y “Reproducciones de video”
  • Colección: solo “Tráfico”, “Conversiones”, “Ventas del catálogo” y “Visitas en el negocio”
  • Experiencia instantánea: todos, excepto “Generación de clientes potenciales” y “Mensajes” (los anuncios para clientes potenciales se convierten en experiencias instantáneas de manera automática)
  • Anuncios dinámicos: solo “Ventas del catálogo” 
  • Clic a Messenger: solo “Mensajes”
  • Anuncios para clientes potenciales: solo “Generación de clientes potenciales”

Define el presupuesto

Después de seleccionar el objetivo, encontrarás una pantalla en la que se te pedirá que asignes un nombre a la campaña y se te preguntará si realizarás pruebas A/B y si quieres usar la optimización de presupuesto. No es fundamental usar estas opciones, pero están disponibles si quieres aprovecharlas.

La primera parte de la siguiente pantalla depende del objetivo de la campaña que elegiste. Por ejemplo, nosotros elegimos “Tráfico”. Después de las opciones basadas en el objetivo, podrás definir el presupuesto para tu anuncio en “Presupuesto y calendario”. Como consejo, Facebook te advertirá si tus precios parecen contener un error.

Set up your budget and ad schedule

El importe que asignes como gasto publicitario es una elección completamente tuya. Recuerda que si elegiste la opción de presupuesto diario, el importe real puede variar, pero Facebook intentará crear un promedio con el tiempo. Si no quieres variaciones, tal vez sea mejor elegir la opción “Presupuesto total” del menú desplegable. 

Otra opción es establecer un importe de control de costo para evitar exceder tu presupuesto. Esa opción aparece en la parte inferior de esta primera página.

Elige el público objetivo

En la siguiente área, verás la opción para definir el público objetivo. Aquí podrás acotar tu público para enfocarte en las personas que quieres que vean tu anuncio. Recomendamos tener un público específico, como personas que ya conozcan tu marca, porque tendrás que esforzarte más para atraer a las personas con características demográficas demasiado amplias. 

Así es como se ve de forma predeterminada.

Create a custom audience or pick from a previously created one

El área resaltada en la captura de pantalla anterior también te permite elegir un público personalizado o similar si ya tienes un público definido. Sin embargo, si estás creando un nuevo público, haz clic en el botón de opciones detalladas para dirigirte a las personas que tienen determinados intereses o a las que les gustan ciertas páginas de Facebook.

Detailed audience set up options

Si no sabes cómo aprovechar al máximo los públicos personalizados, consulta nuestra guía: “How to Use Facebook Custom Audiences and Make Them Work for You” (“Cómo usar públicos personalizados de Facebook y hacer que trabajen para ti”).

Elige la ubicación

El siguiente paso para configurar tu anuncio es elegir dónde aparecerá. Facebook recomendará elegir la opción de ubicaciones automáticas, que optimizará tu anuncio en Facebook, Instagram, Messenger y Audience Network, según el lugar en el que crea que el anuncio tendrá mejor rendimiento.

Choose where you want your ad to appear across Facebook, Instagram or Network

Sin embargo, si quieres usar una plataforma específica o quieres dirigirte solo a esas personas que usan la app para celulares de Facebook, puedes elegir las ubicaciones manuales. Cuando selecciones la opción de ubicación, pasa a la próxima página.

Selecciona el formato

El área del contenido del anuncio es la parte donde empiezas a ver cómo tu anuncio toma forma. Aquí puedes asignar un nombre a tu nuevo anuncio (si aún no lo hiciste) y seleccionar la página comercial desde la que quieras que se publique el anuncio. Sin embargo, en primer lugar, deberás elegir el formato de anuncio.

Choose which ad format you want to use in ad creative

Recuerda que algunos tipos de formato de anuncio solo están disponibles para objetivos de la campaña específicos. En nuestro ejemplo, puedes ver los formatos disponibles para “Tráfico”. 

La captura de pantalla anterior también muestra la opción para agregar una experiencia instantánea, que puedes crear mediante el uso de una plantilla para ahorrar tiempo.

Choose from a variety of instant experience templates

Si eliges crear una experiencia instantánea pasarás a otra área de contenido del anuncio donde puedes trabajar en esto de forma independiente a la creación del anuncio principal. Evidentemente, ambas opciones necesitarán algún tipo de contenido multimedia y texto del anuncio, pero no importa cuál termines primero, siempre que completes el anuncio principal antes de publicarlo. 

Si necesitas consejos útiles para escribir un mejor texto, consulta esta guía: “7 Tips for Writing the Best Facebook Ad Copy“(“Siete consejos para escribir el mejor contenido del anuncio para Facebook”).

Publica el anuncio

Una vez que hayas escrito el texto del anuncio más atractivo hasta la fecha (obviamente, gracias a nuestra guía), puedes continuar y presionar el botón verde “Publicar” en la parte inferior derecha.

Publish your ad when all previous steps are completed

Una vez publicado, tu anuncio aparecerá en la jungla (es decir, las subastas de anuncios de Facebook). Puedes obtener más información sobre cómo funcionan las subastas de anuncios aquí, pero, en resumen, tu anuncio entra en una puja con, probablemente, miles de millones de otros anuncios y el ganador recibe un espacio. 

Sin embargo, no debes preocuparte demasiado por el precio, es mejor ser el más relevante. Facebook indica: “Subsidiamos los anuncios significativos en la subasta, de modo que los anuncios más relevantes cuesten menos y generen mejores resultados. En otras palabras, un anuncio que resulta relevante para una persona podría ganar una subasta en competencia con anuncios con pujas más altas”.

Pero no vayas por ahí cantando victoria. En vez de dejar que tu anuncio funcione mágicamente en piloto automático hasta que se acabe el presupuesto, es mejor dedicar tiempo a medir el rendimiento del anuncio y buscar formas de optimizarlo para alcanzar los mejores resultados.

Mide y mejora

Mientras tu anuncio esté en circulación, puedes visitar el administrador de anuncios para consultar diferentes métricas, por ejemplo:

  • Resultados
  • Alcance
  • Impresiones
  • Costo por resultado
  • Importe gastado
  • Clics únicos en el enlace
  • Puntuación de relevancia

Facebook hace un seguimiento de esas métricas de forma predeterminada, pero también puedes agregar otras que prefieras, como porcentaje de clics o nuevos clientes por conexiones de mensajes. Puedes encontrar estas opciones si haces clic en el pequeño signo “+” al final de las columnas:

Add new tracked metrics using the + sign at the end of the columns

Si los números no son tan buenos como esperabas, es tu oportunidad de evaluar tus anuncios de manera crítica. ¿Requiere elementos visuales más eficaces? ¿Una llamada a la acción más atractiva? O, tal vez, debes ajustar tu público personalizado. Independientemente de cuál sea el problema, asegúrate de consultar nuestra guía que te ayudará a encontrar diferentes maneras de mejorar el CTR de Facebook y los resultados si sientes que no puedes avanzar.

Consejos para una publicidad de Facebook exitosa

Ya analizamos cómo puedes configurar anuncios de Facebook tú mismo. Para finalizar nuestra guía, compartiremos algunos trucos y consejos para aprovechar al máximo tu experiencia y mejorar tus probabilidades de tener éxito. 

Vuelve a dirigirte a los compradores

Una excelente forma de agregar una capa a tu estrategia de marketing es volver a dirigirte a las personas que ya interactuaron con tu marca. Tal vez esas personas visitaron tu sitio web o te enviaron un mensaje a través de tu página comercial. 

Por ejemplo, puedes definir un público personalizado (que, además, es una excelente forma de reducir los gastos publicitarios de Facebook) con personas que visitaron tu tienda online, pero no agregaron nada al carrito y, luego, dirigirte a ellas con anuncios de clic a Messenger. 

Si combinas estos anuncios con ManyChat, puedes configurar flujos de bots de chat para incluir un descuento o una galería de productos que atraigan al cliente a fin de que vuelva a tu sitio y, posiblemente, pueda finalizar su compra.

Puedes encontrar ejemplos reales de anuncios de retargeting en nuestro artículo: “The 8 Best Retargeting Ads We’ve Ever Seen” (“Los ocho mejores anuncios de retargeting que vimos”).

Crea pruebas A/B

Mencionamos anteriormente que es posible realizar pruebas A/B dentro del administrador de anuncios, pero también puedes usar ManyChat Randomizer. Es menos complicado y más atractivo visualmente. 

Set up a Messenger Flow in ManyChat for split testing

Si usas Randomizer, aún podrás dirigir a las personas a Messenger mediante un anuncio de clic a Messenger, pero también podrás dirigir a las personas a través de hasta seis flujos diferentes. Como tendrás acceso a las estadísticas de rendimiento en el panel, podrás tener una idea de inmediato de cuál es el flujo con mejores resultados. Cuando determines el flujo con el mejor rendimiento, ajusta los porcentajes de Randomizer para obtener más tráfico a través de este flujo. 

Hay otra táctica un poco más complicada (pero que vale la pena) para realizar pruebas A/B de tus anuncios de Facebook: las rutas de conversión. Puedes consultar un caso de éxito de esta estrategia en acción en nuestro artículo: “How The Dream Workshop Shifted to Online Retail During COVID-19” (“Cómo The Dream Workshop se pasó a las ventas en línea durante el COVID-19”). 

Usa videos

Las imágenes pueden ser llamativas, sin dudas, y producir anuncios estáticos probablemente sea la ruta más fácil para llegar a un público de Facebook. Sin embargo, usar los anuncios con video de Facebook siempre que puedas te ayudará a captar la atención de un público que ha perdido el interés. Si tenemos en cuenta la predicción de que las personas pasarán 100 minutos por día mirando videos en 2021, los anuncios con video son más relevantes que nunca. 

Pops, una marca de chocolate de Noruega, se convirtió en una historia de éxito cuando usó tres anuncios con video diseñados para celulares para generar reconocimiento. 

Example of video ad success from Pops
Image source: Facebook

Las iniciativas de Pops generaron un aumento de 23 puntos en el recuerdo del anuncio y un aumento de 14 puntos en el reconocimiento de marca, algo muy bueno considerando que un tercio de los consumidores nunca habían oído hablar de la marca. Puedes consultar más detalles del caso de éxito aquí.

Más consejos rápidos

Antes de terminar, estos son algunos consejos rápidos para poner tus ideas en movimiento:

  • Entrega diferentes anuncios a segmentos de público distintos 
  • Ofrece valor antes de preguntar por la venta, por ejemplo, mediante la descarga de un imán de clientes potenciales
  • Ofrece promociones especiales a las personas que interactuaron anteriormente con tu marca
  • Crea anuncios conversacionales y amistosos
  • Intenta agregar una combinación de archivos GIF, imágenes o videos en tus anuncios y promover los flujos para mejorar el índice de respuesta

¿Quieres más información? Consulta “9 Ways to Use Facebook Advertising to Grow Your eCommerce Business” (“Nueve maneras de usar la publicidad de Facebook para hacer crecer tu negocio de comercio electrónico”).

Casos de uso de la publicidad de Facebook

Más allá del éxito que puede tener una empresa basándose solamente en los anuncios de Facebook, las empresas que usan ManyChat notan un mayor retorno de la inversión en publicidad y menores costos de captación de clientes. Estos son algunos buenos ejemplos:

  1. The Prepared Performer transformó un Facebook Live en 90.000 USD en ventas. Molly Mahoney, fundadora de The Prepared Performer, probó un nuevo programa con un bot de Messenger y Facebook Live. Creó un anuncio con un objetivo de interacción en Facebook dirigido a un público específico, gastó 900 USD para poner el anuncio en circulación y recibió 90.000 USD en el banco. Lee la estrategia de Facebook Live completa aquí. 
  2. 5 Napkin Burger dirigió a los clientes locales a sus restaurantes de Manhattan. Este restaurante de hamburguesas de servicio completo quería atraer nuevos clientes locales a sus cuatro restaurantes de Manhattan y creó una base de datos de clientes interesados para futuras iniciativas de marketing. La franquicia se asoció con Misfit Media, una agencia asociada de ManyChat, para generar conversaciones con los clientes y hacer un seguimiento de la atribución de las ventas mediante los anuncios de clic a Messenger. Los resultados incluyeron 477 canjes en el establecimiento, un 20% de aumento en las ventas promedio y 10 veces más de aumento en el retorno de la inversión en publicidad. Lee la historia de éxito en Facebook
  3. First Future redujo los costos de contratación en un 50%. La empresa china de tecnología educativa, First Future, quería atraer candidatos calificados para reclutar maestros. Anteriormente, había usado portales de trabajo y 30 proveedores para contratar maestros. Sin embargo, estos métodos eran caros y demandaban mucho tiempo. La empresa decidió poner en circulación anuncios conversacionales de Facebook junto con un bot de ManyChat para simplificar el proceso de solicitud y calificación. Gracias a ManyChat, First Future pudo reducir los costos de contratación en un 50%, aumentar la asistencia de los entrevistados en un 150% y reasignar un 25% de los recursos a otras tareas de RR. HH. Lee el caso de éxito completo. 
  4. Cinco casas vendidas y más de 43.000 USD en comisiones en bruto. La agencia de marketing digital de bienes raíces Steezy.Digital quería atraer posibles compradores de casas para sus clientes y reducir el tiempo que demoraba cerrar una venta. Puso en circulación anuncios de clic a Messenger con un bot de ManyChat que calificaba a los compradores y los asignaba a un agente para cerrar el trato. Con solo 600 USD en gasto publicitario, la agencia notó un aumento de 12 veces en el retorno de la inversión en publicidad y generó 43.000 USD en comisiones en bruto para su cliente. Mira la historia completa.  

Mejora tu estrategia publicitaria en Facebook hoy

Empezar a usar la publicidad de Facebook, en ocasiones, puede parecer abrumador. Sin embargo, depender solo de las publicaciones promocionadas de Facebook ya no es suficiente para captar la atención del público. En vez de solo preguntarte cómo promocionar publicaciones en Facebook, los anuncios eficaces y rentables necesitan estar bien dirigidos, personalizados y deben usar un texto que tenga repercusión entre el público. 

Cuando se crean correctamente, los anuncios de Facebook pueden aumentar el reconocimiento de marca, generar clientes potenciales y aumentar el tráfico y los ingresos para tu empresa, además de conectarte con nuevos públicos de maneras novedosas. Sabemos que puede ser intimidante comprender por completo el gran número de opciones de anuncios de Facebook. Más allá de ese obstáculo inicial, esperamos que esta guía haya respondido tus preguntas y que te haya ofrecido la confianza para intentar crear tu propia publicidad.

Conéctate con los compradores y haz crecer tu empresa en Facebook con la automatización de marketing de ManyChat. Empieza gratis hoy.

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Práctica recomendada: anuncios de Instagram https://manychat.com/blog/practica-recomendada-anuncios-de-instagram/ https://manychat.com/blog/practica-recomendada-anuncios-de-instagram/#comments Fri, 23 Sep 2022 21:28:29 +0000 https://manychat.com/blog/?p=20411 Prácticas recomendadas de marketing en Instagram: lectura de dos minutos ¿Te interesa poner en circulación anuncios en Instagram? Las empresas y los anunciantes, como tú, suelen...

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Prácticas recomendadas de marketing en Instagram: lectura de dos minutos

¿Te interesa poner en circulación anuncios en Instagram?

Las empresas y los anunciantes, como tú, suelen tener mucho éxito con las campañas publicitarias de Instagram en lugar de centrarse únicamente en las campañas orgánicas. Si te tomas el tiempo necesario para elaborar una estrategia publicitaria en Instagram bien pensada, puedes disfrutar de un gran retorno de la inversión (ROI).

Seis consejos para poner en circulación una campaña publicitaria en Instagram con éxito

Cuando crees una campaña publicitaria en Instagram, ten en cuenta lo siguiente:

Conoce a tu público

Investiga a quién quieres dirigir tu campaña publicitaria y el tipo de contenido que quieres entregar. ¿Qué resonará mejor con tu público objetivo?

Considera la campaña

Usa campañas de alcance y reconocimiento de marca para que tus publicaciones en Instagram lleguen a las personas de tu público objetivo. Después, configura campañas de conversión para que los clientes potenciales se transformen en clientes más adelante.

Usa palabras clave

Al usar la automatización de los mensajes directos de Instagram con ManyChat, una palabra clave se refiere a una palabra o frase específica que los usuarios envían a tu marca a través de un mensaje directo. Esa palabra o frase inicia una conversación automática que forma parte de un flujo que creaste previamente. 

Además, puedes usar palabras clave para los anuncios de Instagram Stories. Cuando un usuario de Instagram te envía un mensaje directo con la palabra clave especificada, se desencadena una conversación con tu empresa. Una vez iniciada la conversación, dirige al cliente potencial por un embudo automatizado o una secuencia de preguntas frecuentes, o inicia un chat en vivo con él para ofrecerle asistencia humana.

Haz un seguimiento de los datos

En ManyChat, puedes guardar información como el anuncio desde el que las personas llegaron a tu embudo o la calidad de las conversiones mediante el embudo de chat. De esta manera, obtienes estadísticas fundamentales sobre qué anuncios están funcionando mejor.

Crea públicos personalizados en Facebook

Con la creciente preocupación por la privacidad, cada vez es más difícil obtener información externa sobre los clientes. Por lo tanto, usa los datos recopilados en ManyChat para crear públicos personalizados en Facebook basados en determinadas acciones que los usuarios realizan dentro de tu embudo de mensajes de Instagram.

Por ejemplo, una buena forma de aumentar el rendimiento de los anuncios es crear públicos personalizados compuestos por usuarios que pasan por todo tu embudo de chat.

No te olvides de los elementos visuales

Produce elementos visuales que llamen la atención y ofrezcan algún tipo de valor. Por ejemplo, si tienes una tienda de camping, publica una imagen del malvavisco asado más delicioso. ¿A quién no le gusta un buen malvavisco?

Usa la palabra clave “malvavisco” para desencadenar una conversación que ofrezca una receta y capte el correo electrónico de la persona. ¡Listo! Invertiste algo de dinero en publicidad y obtuviste unos correos electrónicos. Esa es una buena generación de ROI.

Si los anunciantes y las marcas como la tuya desarrollan respuestas automáticas a los anuncios de historias, pueden aumentar el ROI de los anuncios, impulsar la velocidad de la campaña y generar nuevos seguidores.

Para obtener más consejos sobre cómo la automatización de Instagram puede respaldar tus objetivos comerciales, consulta nuestro curso en video. O bien visita nuestra comunidad de Facebook para conocer más formas de usar ManyChat.

¿Todo listo para automatizar tus mensajes directos? Empieza a usar la automatización de Instagram con la tecnología de ManyChat.

Empezar gratis

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ManyChat Achieves ISO 27001 Certification https://manychat.com/blog/iso-27001-certification/ https://manychat.com/blog/iso-27001-certification/#comments Fri, 16 Sep 2022 17:54:38 +0000 https://manychat.com/blog/?p=20365 We're excited to share that ManyChat is the first Chat Marketing Automation platform that received ISO 27001 certificate.

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At ManyChat, we constantly invest in security and compliance as part of our ongoing effort to be the trusted platform for all our customers and partners. 

Today, we’re excited to share that ManyChat is the first Chat Marketing Automation platform that received ISO 27001 certificate.

The independent audit and certification were performed by BSI Group, one of the world’s largest certification bodies.

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is a widely recognized and globally accepted all-inclusive information security management standard. It outlines technical, legal, physical, and operational information security best practices, including access management, vulnerability management, privacy, infrastructure protection, and cyber risk assessment practices. 

The author of the standard, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), is a stand-alone, international, nongovernmental organization that creates regulations that ensure the safety, quality, and efficiency of various products, services, and systems. 

How does this impact ManyChat?

Achieving ISO 27001 certification means that ManyChat cares about where we store customer data, how we treat it, and what processes and policies we have to protect it. 

To earn this certification, ManyChat: 

  • Reviewed all potential cyber security risks
  • Implemented technical cyber security solutions and processes to mitigate these risks
  • Added continuous improvement practices to review implemented controls regularly
  • Conducted cybersecurity awareness education for all team members
  • Completed an independent audit to prove that all implemented methods and solutions worked well. 

Maintaining this certification will be ongoing as we review and update our security efforts to meet the latest customers’ and partners’ needs.

What does this mean for ManyChat’s customers?

We value our customers and want them to know that ManyChat values the security and privacy of their data. Our users can rest assured knowing we comply with an internationally recognized standard and will continue to monitor and augment our security, confidentiality, and high availability practices.

About ManyChat

ManyChat is the #1 Chat Marketing platform founded in 2015. Our platform empowers businesses to create marketing, sales, and support automation. We help companies improve their ROI and grow faster. 

We are the founders of Messenger Marketing as a marketing discipline and the fastest growing company in the field. We powered over one million businesses worldwide (across 190+ countries) to have one billion conversations last year.

Read our privacy policy to learn more about our commitment to privacy and security. 

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What are Instagram Highlights? (+ How to Use Them) https://manychat.com/blog/instagram-highlights/ https://manychat.com/blog/instagram-highlights/#comments Mon, 18 Jul 2022 01:53:55 +0000 https://manychat.com/blog/?p=20230 In this guide, we’ll walk through everything from using Highlights to adding and deleting content from your Stories. We’ll also walk through a few ideas you can use for inspiration. 

The post What are Instagram Highlights? (+ How to Use Them) appeared first on Manychat Blog.

You might have noticed those little circles with images in them when you visit a user’s profile on Instagram. The Instagram Highlights feature is only one of the many ways you can leverage the platform to grow your audience. 

It’s a place to store your best content and make it easy for your audience to find what they need. Especially because it sits right at the top of your profile, making it one of the first things your audience sees. 

As a more permanent and accessible way for your audience to navigate your content, your Instagram Highlights has lots of potential. In this guide, we’ll walk through everything from using Highlights to adding and deleting content from your Stories. We’ll also walk through a few ideas you can use for inspiration. 

What are Instagram Highlights?

Instagram Highlights are the circular links you encounter at the top of every Instagram profile right under your bio. It’s a way to categorize and store any Stories, images, or videos you want to keep beyond a 24-hour lifespan. 

Not only is the Highlights area prime real estate to showcase the best your brand has to offer, but it’s also a great way to tell your brand’s story with plenty of images, videos, stickers, and links. 

Plus, there’s no limit to how many Instagram Highlights you can create, and you can title each of them by theme or category. Instagram also allows you to add covers to each of your Highlights. 

How to use Instagram Story Highlights

How to create a Highlight on Instagram

Creating a Highlight for your Instagram profile is easy. First, you’ll want to:

  1. Navigate to your profile page and tap the + icon
  2. Click on the Stories you want to add to your Highlights 
  3. Tap Next and add a cover (optional)
  4. Name your Highlight
  5. Click on Add in the top right so it’s added to your profile

How to add new Stories to a Highlight

Say you’ve posted a new story and you want to add it to one of your Highlights. First, you’ll want to:

  1. Navigate to your Instagram Stories
  2. Find the frame you want to add to your Highlights
  3. Tap on Highlight on the bottom right menu
  4. Either add your frame to an existing Highlight or create a new one

How to add a custom cover to Instagram Highlights

Custom covers are a great way to keep your Instagram profile on brand. You might have noticed some brands have created covers with icons, cohesive images, or an aesthetic color scheme. 

Much like creating a Highlight from your profile or your Stories, adding covers is a similar process. 

Here’s how to create Instagram Highlight covers:

  1. Either navigate to your Stories and click on Highlights on the bottom right menu of the frame you want to add, or create a new Highlight from your profile picture by tapping the + icon
  2. Select the content you want to add
  3. Click on Edit cover to add your custom cover
  4. Tap Add to post it to your profile
adding highlight cover

How to delete an Instagram Highlight 

To delete an Instagram Highlight:

  1. Navigate to your profile page
  2. Find the Highlight you want to delete then tap it and hold
  3. Tap Delete Highlight

How to delete a Story from your Instagram Highlights

To delete a Story from an Instagram Highlights simply:

  1. Navigate to your profile
  2. Find the Highlight that contains the frame you want to delete
  3. Tap the three-dot icon labeled More at the bottom right of your frame
  4. Click on Remove from Highlight then click Remove

What to use Highlights for

You can think of Highlights as a convenient way to save some of your best Stories. But there’s so much more you can leverage the Instagram feature for. Here are a few ideas, with examples to inspire your own Highlights content strategy

Add content with affiliate links. Highlights are a great place to keep your affiliate links. Especially if you’re constantly getting DMs asking about the products in your posts and videos, Highlights can be the place where you direct your audience when they want to make a purchase. Creator @caraloren’s highlights include categories like “Mirror links” and “TOP LINKS” to let her audience know where they can find her most requested product links. 

Create a highlight telling your story. Use Highlights to tell your brand’s story. How did your product come to life? What’s your latest collection? Who are the founders behind your brand? Using storytelling as a way to sell your products and ideas to your audience is a great way to connect and build trust with them. Dedicating a Highlight to your Story is a perfect way to do that. 

instagram highlights example 2

Save the most sought after questions. Any recurring questions you get should be given their own highlight too. Think of it as a Q&A highlight that you can point your audience to from your Stories, posts, or videos.

IG highlight example

Keep a record of your best Instagram takeovers. Reuse any Instagram takeover content you generate by posting it to your Highlights as you create it. Don’t be afraid to draw inspiration from brands like @girlboss. 

Highlight your team. Let your followers in on who is who behind your brand. Grow that “know, like, and trust” factor essential to any brand’s success by creating a Highlight shining a light on your team. Nail polish brand @cirquecolors does a great job of this with its “OUR TEAM” category. 

Create a “sales” Highlight. Make one of your first Highlights a place to post all your latest sales. This makes it easier for your audience to find your product and make a purchase if they’ve been waiting on a sale. If you post on your Stories about it, you can also point your audience to your Highlights. 

Create a quiz. Did you know you can create a quiz and add it to your Highlights? @mybff did exactly that with its Knowledge Highlight. Consider doing the same with your brand as a fun way to add value to your followers. 

Highlight your behind-the-scenes process. Sometimes your audience wants to know how your product comes together. Plus, it’s yet another way to tell your brand’s story without having to think of the perfect way to do it. Just put together some behind-the-scenes footage in a highlight, like in this example from @theartfulgrimmer:

Create a Highlight for testimonials. Getting endorsed by previous customers builds credibility and helps you grow sales. Showcase your best testimonials so your followers can easily access them and learn more about what you offer. 

Grow your audience with Instagram

No doubt Instagram is one of the best platforms to build and nurture an audience. That’s why it pays off to get familiar with everything you can do on the platform to grow an audience.

Hopefully, this guide shed some light on the ins and outs of leveraging Instagram Highlights to, well, highlight the best your brand has to offer. As a business or creator with an Instagram presence, don’t ignore Highlights as a mighty part of your overall Instagram marketing strategy.

Impress your audience and grow your Instagram account with ManyChat’s suite of Automation tools

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The Complete List of Instagram Features for Marketers https://manychat.com/blog/instagram-features/ https://manychat.com/blog/instagram-features/#comments Mon, 18 Jul 2022 01:47:07 +0000 https://manychat.com/blog/?p=20224 With over 500 million daily active users, Instagram offers substantial potential that’s worth unlocking. But first, you have to get to know all its capabilities so you can leverage the platform to your advantage. To help, this article will cover some of the most important Instagram features marketers can use to grow their audience. 

The post The Complete List of Instagram Features for Marketers appeared first on Manychat Blog.

It’s no secret Instagram is a powerful marketing tool for businesses of all sizes. You can reach new customers, build brand awareness, and drive sales by harnessing the platform’s many features.

With over 500 million daily active users, Instagram offers substantial potential that’s worth unlocking. But first, you have to get to know all its capabilities so you can leverage the platform to your advantage. To help, this article will cover some of the most important Instagram features marketers can use to grow their audience. 

Important Instagram features for marketers

Social media platforms are notorious for constantly changing their algorithms and adding new features. However, we’ll dive into the latest fundamental capabilities that deliver the best results. 


Instagram Reels are 30-second videos you can create for your audience to scroll through. Influencers and brands use Reels to show off their products, disply behind-the-scenes content, or repurpose live videos. 

The Reels user experience is similar to TikTok’s in that users can watch a never-ending feed of short-form video content created by individuals to increase engagement, grow their Instagram profiles, and generate brand awareness. Reels can appear on the Explore page, but they also have their own tab on each Instagram account. 

To post Instagram Reels: 

  1. Tap the Reels icon at the bottom of your screen
  2. Post your 30-second video (you can also add music)

Best uses for Instagram Reels

Instagram’s algorithm has been deprioritizing static posts to make room for more engaging video content to ensure users stay on the platform longer. This should shape your Instagram marketing content; every brand on Instagram should make an effort to post more Reels to increase their chances of engagement. 


Instagram Stories are 15-second videos that disappear after 24 hours. Stories aren’t like your regular Instagram posts: Instead of displaying in feeds once you upload them, they show up at the top of users’ dashboards with your profile picture as the cover.

To use the Stories feature: 

  1. Click on your profile image with the “+” icon at the top of your Instagram feed. 
  2. Either select a recent image or video, or click the camera icon to create a new Story.
  3. Once finished, tap Send to and make sure Your Story is selected.
  4. Tap on Share to post your Story.

Best uses for Stories

Stories are a great way to share day-to-day content with your audience. While they aren’t the best option for storing content that requires a longer lifespan, Stories are a great way to build engagement and keep your business top of mind. 

Brand Stories tend to have an 86% completion rate. So if you want to catch your audience’s attention, make sure you post to your Stories often. 

Pro tip: Creating content on other platforms? Repurpose your content and add it to your Instagram Stories to increase your views for free. If your content happens to be too long for a Story, post a snippet of your content as a teaser to direct your audience to the full version. 


You can send photos, text, videos, and voice messages through Instagram’s Messenger feature. You can even send Instagram posts or video chat with other users. 

To use Messenger: 

  1. On your Instagram feed, click on the speech bubble icon in the top right corner of your screen.
  2. Choose your message recipient.
  3. Start interacting and sending your messages. 

Best uses for Messenger

For a business, the Messenger feature can be prime real estate for interacting directly with customers, offering customer support, answering product questions, or redirecting them to your links. It’s a great way for brands to build trust with their audiences and stay connected with their biggest fans. 

Pro tip: Don’t overwhelm yourself trying to manage all the incoming DMs in Messenger. Leverage automation, like ManyChat’s Flow Builder tool, to respond to every message just like a real human would. 


As short-form video content becomes a more popular way to reach new audiences, Instagram has incorporated the ability to create and post an ecosystem of videos into its platform (while deprioritizing static posts). Video content on Instagram can include Reels, Lives, or Stories. Recently, Instagram combined IGTV with feed video posts to create one video format. 

To use the Video feature:

  1. Click on the “+” icon at the top of your Instagram homepage
  2. Tap on Post to start publishing your videos

Best uses for videos

There’s no concrete rules concerning what types of content should and shouldn’t be made into videos. But generally speaking, if you’re creating longer,  more involved videos with higher production value, opt for the Video feature. Here’s a quick overview of the maximum video length for each format:

  • Reels: Up to 30 seconds long
  • Instagram Stories: Up to 15 seconds long
  • Live Streams: Up to 60 minutes
  • Instagram post videos: Up to 60 seconds long
  • Instagram Videos: Anywhere from 15 seconds to 10 minutes long (60 minutes for select accounts) 


Instagram introduced shoppable features in 2019 to over 40 countries. To qualify, you need to have a business account, sell digital products, and comply with Instagram’s policies and eligibility requirements.

To use the Instagram Shopping feature:

  1. Create your product catalog with the Facebook Business Manager.
  2. Under Settings, click on Business.
  3. Navigate to Set up Instagram Shopping and follow the guidelines to submit your store for review.
  4. Once approved, you can start tagging products in your profile so that more users discover your catalog when they come across your content. 

Best uses for shopping

The shopping feature is ideal for businesses that sell physical products. It’s a great way to turn your Instagram page into a storefront and increase sales. 

Filters (AR and standard)

Instagram’s AR and standard image filters enable you to inject a bit of personality to the content you upload. However, the filters differ slightly in that AR filters can alter both images and videos while standard photo filters only apply to static images.  

To use Instagram filters:

  1. In your Instagram dashboard, tap on the “+” icon in the top right.
  2. Select Post, Story, Reel, or Live.
  3. Once you create or upload your content, use the editor at the bottom of your screen to add and adjust your preferred filter. 

Best uses for filters

Want to add some personality to your content? Are you growing your personal brand on Instagram? Take advantage of Instagram’s filters! They can be fun to use and can help you create more dynamic content. 

Search and Explore

A lot of the discovery magic happens through the Search and Explore features. Instagram’s algorithm fills your Explore page with content it thinks you might be interested in—it’s where you can discover new people or brands to follow and content to “like” and comment on. 

To use Instagram’s Search and Explore feature:

  1. On the Instagram dashboard, navigate to the magnifying glass icon in the bottom left.
  2. Tap on it and start exploring.
  3. Use the search bar to search for additional profiles or content by username or hashtag.  


Hosting an Instagram Live is a great way to interact with your audience and build a loyal following in real time. You can go Live on Instagram for up to an hour and interact with your audience through comments and emojis. Live also allows you to host joint sessions with other users once you invite them to host with you.

To use the Live Instagram feature: 

  1. In your Instagram feed, navigate to the “+” icon in the top right. 
  2. Choose the Live option. 
  3. Use the menu on the left of your screen to add a title, a broadcast audience, a start time (if you’re scheduling it ahead of time), and even choose a non-profit your audience can donate to.
  4. Once you’re ready, hit the big Live button in the bottom center of your screen to get started. 

Best uses for Lives

Lives work well for more established accounts with a content strategy and an end goal for going Live. However, much like the rest of Instagram’s features, no rules are set in stone. 

You can choose to go Live any time you want to speak with your audience in real time. You can interact, answer their questions, or find other ways to connect. 

Once you go Live, your followers will receive a notification that you’re online. They’ll also see that you’re live broadcasting at the top of their feeds in the Stories section. 


Tags (not to be confused with hashtags) help you engage other brands or users when you post content. If you tag a profile by mentioning them in a post or comment with the “@” functionality, it hyperlinks their handle and they’ll be notified of your mention. 

To use tags: 

  1. Mention a profile’s handle starting with “@” to tag them in the comments of a post or a caption.
  2. To tag someone in a video or image, upload your content, then tap Tag People to add your tag. 
  3. Type in their username to find and add them. 

Best uses for tags

Use tags any time an individual or brand appears in your content. Adding tags is also a great way to increase the chances of your content being shared with a wider audience without any real effort on your part. 

Pro tip: Use Instagram geotags to make your content more discoverable to users in your area. 


Hashtags are different from tags in that they start with “#” and are used as keywords to categorize your content. The use of hashtags also makes it easier for Instagram’s algorithm to index content and make it discoverable. 

The most impactful use of hashtags has been a long-debated mystery. Research suggests including anywhere from nine to thirteen hashtags will help exposeyour content to more users. However, it takes experimenting with your content to see what works for you. 

To use hashtags:

  1. Choose your preferred hashtags and add them to your Instagram posts so Instagram can index them properly.
  2. You can also run searches in Instagram’s search bar using hashtags to find related content or more hashtag ideas.

Best uses for hashtags

Don’t ignore hashtags as you create your Instagram strategy They’re a key part of making your content easier to find amongst millions of posts. Always include a handful of hashtags in your posts for good measure.


Managed through the Facebook Ads Manager, Instagram ads are the paid option to reach a larger audience that might be interested in your content or products. Instagram ads run either on a cost-per-impression (CPM) or cost-per-click (CPC) model and can range anywhere from a few cents to a few dollars per click. 

To create an Instagram ad:

  1. Navigate to the Facebook Ads Manager.
  2. Design your ad by choosing an objective, naming your campaign, choosing a destination, your audience, and your budget.
  3. Design the ad and submit it for approval so it can go live.  

Best uses for ads

Ads can work well for established brands with a budget for paid acquisition that want to supercharge their growth strategy. They’re also great for experienced marketers who know the ins and outs of ad optimization. If you don’t want to grow your Instagram audience or generate sales organically, you can opt for the paid route by creating ads. 


Even as your Instagram grows, you’ll still only have two hands and 24 hours in a day, which can limit on how much you can accomplish manually. Yet, you may get hundreds (or thousands) of comments and receive a ton of DMs every day, and you still need a way to manage it all. The last thing you want is for your audience to feel ignored when they interact with you online.

Happily, you can use automation on Instagram to grow your profile faster and nurture an engaged audience.

ManyChat is an established Instagram partner that’s built to help you maximize your Instagram growth. There are a lot of great ways to use ManyChat’s Automation tools as part of your social media marketing strategy:

  • Use the Flow Builder feature to create automated DM responses.
  • Reply to and like IG post comments automatically
  • Automatically reply to anyone who mentions you in their Story
  • Capture and store user-provided information like emails and phone numbers inside ManyChat’s customer relationship management dashboard to boost your marketing efforts

ManyChat makes your Instagram growth and engagement potential virtually limitless by multiplying your interactions with the power of automation. Plus, it’s easy to integrate it with apps you’re already using, like MailChimp, Shopify, and Zapier. 

Do more with Instagram

If you’re looking to start using Instagram to grow your business, make sure you take advantage of all the features available on the platform. In this guide, we’ve outlined everything you need to start scoring Instagram followers and creating a marketing strategy. 

Put each feature to use and see how they can help you reach more customers and grow your business. Better yet, supercharge your growth with automation tools like ManyChat so you can chat with more of your audience, answer customer support questions, and build meaningful engagement in your comments 24 hours a day.

Impress your audience and grow your Instagram account with ManyChat’s suite of Automation tools

The post The Complete List of Instagram Features for Marketers appeared first on Manychat Blog.

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Best Analytics Apps for Instagram https://manychat.com/blog/best-instagram-analytics-apps/ Wed, 01 Jun 2022 23:17:03 +0000 https://manychat.com/blog/?p=19857 Want to improve your Instagram performance metrics? Here are the best analytics apps for Instagram to try today.

The post Best Analytics Apps for Instagram appeared first on Manychat Blog.

Despite going through all the steps to create a successful Instagram marketing plan for your business on Instagram (IG), your marketing campaigns aren’t getting the results you want. That means it’s time to take a good look at your Instagram analytics. 

Instagram analytics will help you understand your audience’s behavior, patterns, and even break down your audience’s demographics. If you use this data wisely, you’ll be able to pivot your Instagram content and marketing campaigns to reach the right audience. 

While there are ways to access your analytics through Instagram, a third-party analytics app might work better for you if you want a more detailed look at specific metrics and help finding active solutions.

Your brand and business are unique, and so are the goals you’re aspiring to reach. ou’ll need an analytics tool that addresses your needs and, ideally, makes life a little easier for you. Below, we’ve compiled a list of eight analytics apps to get you started.

How to get Insights on Instagram

Accessing your Instagram account’s analytics is super easy. If you have a Business or Creator account on Instagram, you can access Insights right in the app. 

To change your Instagram account to a Business or Creator account, go to your Instagram profile and tap the menu button in the top right corner. (It should look like three horizontal dashes).

A menu will pop up. Tap Get Insights on that menu.

Follow Instagram’s prompts from there. Select what category you want your account to be associated with, then choose whether you want your account to be seen as a Creator or a Business. Clicking Next will complete the switch.

After you’ve switched your Instagram account to a Business or Creator account, go back to your profile page and click on the “Professional Dashboard” banner at the top.

This will take you to your account’s Insight summaries. If you want to see more detailed specs, you can select See all.

Instagram insights

With the Instagram Insights tool, you can see a breakdown of things like: 

  • What age group engages most with your posts
  • Where in the world your content is garnering the most attention
  • How many followers you’ve gained or lost
  • How many accounts you’ve reached
  • How many accounts have clicked on your content or viewed your profile
  • The insights for individual posts, Reels, and videos

Best free analytics apps for Instagram

The Instagram Insights tool is a great way to track basic key performance indicators (KPIs), but there are third-party apps that can give you more in-depth analytics. Below is a list of analytics apps that are free—or offer free trials—to help get you started.


Best for brands and businesses with multiple Instagram Accounts.

instagram analytics app

If you have multiple IG accounts for your brand or business, it can be difficult to keep track of the metrics for each account. That’s where Iconosquare comes in: it allows you to track multiple IG accounts all in one place. It also enables you to schedule posts and keep tabs on your competition. 

One of the most beneficial tools Iconosquare offers is an Instagram audit. This will help you figure out what is and isn’t working with your Instagram account and how to optimize it.

Price: Start with a free 30-day trial, then $49/month (for annual billing plan).


Best for marketers craving a more in-depth look at their followers.

instagram analytics app 2

If you’re achieving sporadic success with your posts but aren’t sure why results are inconsistent, it could be because you don’t have a good handle on who your audience is and what they like. That’s where Squarelovin comes in. 

Squarelovin is a great app that will give you insight into your Instagram followers. You’ll gain a better idea of your audience’s interests, what time of day they’re most active, and how to drive more engagement for your posts. All of this information will help you generate more consistent engagement with your audience. 

Price: Completely free.


Best for marketers in constant need of content.

instagram analytics app 3

Sometimes the battle you face is a constant search for content. With social media marketing, consistency is key. Well, Crowdfire not only offers analytic resources, it also recommends articles and images from other websites that align with your profile’s interests. 

Crowdfire also allows you to compare your metrics’ current period with previous periods. It even gives you the ability to pick and choose the metrics that are most important to you.

Price: Free for current day’s data, but if you want to see past data, starts at $7.48/month (for annual billing plan).


Best for marketers looking to connect with social media influencers.

instagram analytics app 4

Pixlee is a completely free analytics tool that allows you to find social media influencers and other accounts who are posting about your brand or company. This can help you team up with influencers to build more effective marketing campaigns and also see what people on social media are saying about your brand. Pixlee also offers hashtag tracking and shareable reports that can be sent out to everyone on your marketing team.

Price: Completely free.


Best for marketers wanting to stay ahead of your competition.

free instagram analytics app

Socialbakers gives you the ability to see how your account stacks up against your competitors. It gives you an Instagram report that shows you where you’re ranked in your industry so you can see what you need to do to improve. This intel can also be helpful because it’ll show you what your competitors are doing right and how you can make their strategies work for you.

Socialbakers also offers predictive analytics that will identify which posts and Stories you should promote on Instagram, saving you money and time—not to mention taking out a lot of the guesswork.

Price: Free trial, then starts at $200/month.

Best paid analytics apps for Instagram

Understandably, budget is always an issue, but if you have the resources, consider getting one of the paid apps below. These can give you more specific tools that can help you directly hone in on your goals.

Sprout Social

Best for marketers looking at longterm (big picture) growth.

paid instagram analytics app

If you’ve got the big picture in mind for your brand or business, Sprout Social is an app that will work well for you. While most apps only offer thirty or ninety-day analytics, Sprout Social’s Professional and Advanced plans offer two years’ worth of profile data. It also offers metrics on the last ten thousand posts you’ve published. 

Price: Free trial, then starts at $89/month (for annual billing plan).


Best for marketing teams that need to share data.

paid instagram analytics app 2

Hootsuite is an analytics app geared toward marketing teams. You can generate as many reports as you like, and it’s designed for people to collaborate. Hootsuite offers things like the ability to: 

  • Personalize the app dashboard to monitor multiple social media accounts
  • Assign tasks to team members
  • Track which departments’/employees’ posts are generating the hightest ROI
  • Generate and share unlimited number of reports with team members

If your brand or business has a multi-member marketing team, Hootsuite is a great app to keep you all on track.

Price: Free 30 day trial, then $49/month (annual billing plan).


Best for marketers looking to engage in influencer marketing.

paid instagram analytics app 3

HypeAuditor is like a private eye. This app can dig into influencer profiles and give you an audience quality score and calculate an audience’s engagement rate. It also can identify fake and ghost followers. If you’re looking to partner up with social media influencers for a marketing campaign, this app will help ensure you’re pairing up with the right ones. 

Price: Free (to track just your own account), then Basic plan starts at $399/month.

Finding the best Instagram analytics tool for you

There are over one billion Instagram users online today, and sometimes it can feel like you’re screaming into the void. You can post all you want, but if you’re posting at the wrong time or using the wrong hashtags, you won’t reach the right audience. 

This gap in understanding your audience is what makes leveraging your Instagram account’s analytics so important. But breaking down the metrics can be a daunting task in it of itself; that’s why using one of the analytics apps we’ve listed above can make your life significantly easier. 

Whether you’re a one-person marketing guru or part of a marketing team, these analytics apps can work for you. When used correctly, they will get your content in front of the right audience, raise the visibility of your account, and bolster your marketing campaign results.

Grow your Instagram following and make sales with Instagram Automation by ManyChat. Start free today.

The post Best Analytics Apps for Instagram appeared first on Manychat Blog.

Instagram Photo Dimensions Guide https://manychat.com/blog/instagram-photo-dimensions/ https://manychat.com/blog/instagram-photo-dimensions/#comments Tue, 31 May 2022 16:15:30 +0000 https://manychat.com/blog/?p=19833 Bookmark this Instagram Photo Dimensions guide for future reference, and you’ll never post incorrectly sized Instagram content again.

The post Instagram Photo Dimensions Guide appeared first on Manychat Blog.

Instagram is a visual social media platform, so ensuring your content is as engaging as possible is a key part of your overall strategy. Having correctly sized content is a step in the right direction. Luckily, you don’t have to guess what ratios and photo dimensions look best on Instagram. 

Bookmark this guide for future reference, and you’ll never post incorrectly sized Instagram content again.

Instagram post sizes

  • Instagram post: 1080 x 1080 px
  • Instagram portrait: 1080 x 1350 px

Instagram recommends using an aspect ratio between 1.91:1 and 4:5. Though Instagram automatically uploads your images at the highest quality possible, you want to make sure to get your ratios right for best results. 

Keep in mind that if you’re taking images on your phone to upload, your phone’s camera quality, will be a factor in the quality of your image uploads, regardless of your image ratio. 

Instagram Video post sizes

  • Instagram Video: 1080 x 1350 px
  • Instagram Carousel Video: 1080 x 1920 px

Instagram has been emphasizing video creation lately, so you want to ensure you’re getting your video ratios right. As you create your videos, make sure they’re in mp4 format for easy uploading. Videos that appear on Instagram’s feed can work in either a 4:5 or 9:16 aspect ratio. 

While you can post horizontal videos, Instagram will accommodate them to fit a portrait layout. On Instagram, video footage in portrait format tends to work best. That said, don’t be afraid to play around with formats and see what works best for your brand. 

Instagram Stories sizes

  • Instagram Story: 1080 x 1920 px

Instagram Stories are a great way to engage with your followers on the go as you create video content within the app. However, if you’re uploading video content to your Stories, make sure it’s at least 1080 x 1920 px for best results. 

Instagram Reels video sizes

  • Reels video: 1080 x 1920 px

Generally speaking, the Reels video dimensions are 1080 x 1920 px. Reels also appear in your Instagram feed and are slightly cropped when displayed as a preview in the Reels tab of your profile. You want to keep this in mind when creating your content.

For example, if you’re including any text or stickers that are important to your video, keep them as close to the center of your video as possible. That way, your Reel will still be engaging and on brand when displayed in different areas of the Instagram app. 

Instagram ad sizes 

  • Instagram ad: 1080 x 1080 px

Instagram ads—whether they appear in the Instagram feed or in Stories—are best when designed using a 1:1 ratio. Additionally, you’ll want to upload them at a resolution of 1080 x 1080 px for best results. Instagram ads can be uploaded as JPEG or PNG files and have a 30 MB size limit. 

Instagram profile photo size

  • Instagram profile photo display size: 110 x 110 px
  • Instagram profile photo upload size for best resolution: 320 x 320 px

Your Instagram profile photo is one of the first things people see when they land on your account, which means its quality is critical for making a good first impression.

Instagram profile photos display at 110 x 110 px. But to ensure your photo upload displays at the highest quality possible, your photo dimensions need to be at least 320 x 320 px. Follow this guideline and you’ll avoid a grainy, low-quality image and every part of your photo will fit within the circular display. 

Instagram content creation tips and tricks

There are many ways to go about creating Instagram content. However, depending on your workflow, there are a few tools can make the creative process easier. Here are a few pointers to add to your content creation routine: 

Use templates: Using templates is a great way to save time. Instead of starting from scratch everytime you design content for Instagram, use free content editors like Canva to create and save templates you can use many times over. 

Pay attention to video length: There are a number of ways to post videos on Instagram. However, all of them have different maxium time durations. Here’s a quick refresher on how long each Instagram video type can be:

  • Reels: Up to 30 seconds long
  • Instagram Stories: Up to 15 seconds long
  • Live streams: Up to 60 minutes
  • Instagram post videos: Up to 60 seconds long
  • Instagram Videos: Anywhere from 15 seconds to 10 minutes long (60 minutes for select accounts) 

Automate your posts: Sure, you can create content in the exact dimensions you need. But what if you need to do more with less? The last thing you want is to be glued to a screen posting around the clock when you could be taking care of higher ROI tasks that grow your audience. Consider using automation to increase engagement on the content you’ve worked so hard to create. ManyChat’s comment and DM Automation tools help you keep up with your audience without burning out. 

Mix up your content types: While Instagram is a great platform to find and cultivate your target audience, you’re also competing with other brands for their attention. One way to keep your feed engaging is to mix up your content types. Don’t be afraid to use all of Instagram’s content channels, whether that means creating Reels, static posts, or Stories. 

Repurpose content from other platforms: You spend a lot of time creating content—why limit sharing it to a single platform? As long as the dimensions and time caps align, you’re good to reuse as much content as you want.. For example, TikTok video dimensions are 1080 x 1920 px, making these videos ideal content to repost on Instagram. 

Grow your brand on Instagram

Creating Instagram content isn’t terribly hard. However you do need to pay attention to the guidelines that’ll ensure it looks high-quality. As you grow your library of content, the time and effort that went into building will make you proud to share it with the world. 

Instagram is a great platform for businesses to cultivate and nurture an audience. The secret is in creating quality content that engages your followers and keeps you top of mind. To do that, make sure your content is sized correctly for best results.

Grow your Instagram following and make sales with Instagram Automation by ManyChat. Start free today.

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11 Instagram Story Game Ideas https://manychat.com/blog/instagram-story-ideas/ Tue, 31 May 2022 16:07:12 +0000 https://manychat.com/blog/?p=19826 Here are 11 Instagram Story game ideas to step up your game (pun intended).

The post 11 Instagram Story Game Ideas appeared first on Manychat Blog.

Engagement is Instagram’s currency. The more you engagement you generate, the higher the chances that people will see your content and ultimately discover your brand. 

But here’s the hard part: How do you initiate more engagement on Instagram if users are being pulled in a million different directions? Enter Instagram Story game ideas.

If you didn’t know they were a thing, you’re not alone. With Story game ideas, you can get your audience to engage and interact with your content more often. A good game can be irresistible. Even better news: you can leverage them to boost long-term engagement.

To help, here are 11 Instagram Story game ideas to step up your game (pun intended). 

11 Instagram Story game ideas

1.This or that

How it works: Use Instagram’s poll sticker to ask your audience what they’d prefer when presented with two choices. The fun part is coming up with questions that make users think and want to tap on their preferred answer. Make sure you include images for each choice. 

Pro tip: Spend some time brainstorming hard choices with reasonably comparable options so your audience can think about their preferences and participate. Start a spreadsheet and fill it out at the beginning of each month so you’ll have a list to choose from and won’t end up scrambling for content. 

Best for brands in these niches: 

  • Food
  • Fashion
  • Home decor
  • Makeup
  • Design

2. Would you rather

instagram story ideas

How it works: “Would you rather” works similarly to “This or that,” except this game focuses more on asking questions than asking your audience to make a quick choice between two things. To play “Would you rather,” come up with two scenarios that might be challenging to choose from, then post them in your Instagram Story along with the poll sticker. 

Pro tip: This game not only helps with engagement, but can also give you insight into how your audience thinks and what they prefer. Spend some time brainstorming questions that are relevant to your brand offering; for example, you might ask questions about product feature preferences, wants, and needs. 

Best for brands in these niches: 

  • Marketing
  • Business
  • Physical products
  • Apparel
  • Gaming

3. Quizzes

How it works: Use Instagram’s quiz sticker to query your audience about their preferences. The quiz sticker lets you create multiple-choice options and you can swipe up after you’ve posted it to get your quiz stats. 

Pro tip: Be careful not to make your quizzes too long or you run the risk of losing your audience’s interest. Make the quiz quick and engaging (five to ten questions, max). 

Best for brands in these niches: 

  • Ecommerce
  • Fashion
  • Beauty

4. Yay or Nay

How it works: Use the poll sticker to find out how your audience feels about a choice you put in your stories. For example, post a color palette and ask your audience “yay” or “nay.” They they can use the slider to communicate how much they like it. 

Pro tip: “Yay or Nay” works well when you create a sequence of questions because users will want to keep participating. Take advantage of this by creating a series of choices to keep your audience engaged. (Anywhere from five to eight different questions can work here.) 

Best for brands in these niches: 

  • Fashion
  • Beauty
  • Hospitality
  • Food
  • Advertising/marketing
  • Finance
  • Music
  • Indoor plants
  • Design

5. Know your audience challenges 

How it works: How well do you know your audience? Find out by asking them questions about their goals, life, likes and dislikes, or even opinions about your industry. Encourage them to repost or DM you their answers. 

Pro tip: Be sure to include plenty of graphics, colors, and images so your questions don’t fall flat. Use gifs to make your stories more dynamic. 

Best for brands in these niches: 

  • Apparel
  • Art and writing
  • Personal care
  • Food
  • Beauty
  • Fitness
  • Finance
  • Music

6. Tap to see results

How it works: To play “Tap to,” simply upload two images that show a before and after transformation. For example, take an image of a disorganized desk and add a caption that says “Tap to organize.” Once your audience taps, the next Story should be the image of your organized desk. Easy, right? 

Pro tip: Tailor your “Tap to” Story to your industry. If you work as a professional organizer, create “Tap to” games displaying before and after photographs of your results. It’s a great way to show prospective customers what to expect if they hire you. 

Best for brands in these niches: 

  • Service industry
  • Food
  • Apparel and fashion
  • Design

7. Mood slider

How it works: Let the audience use the slider sticker to tell you their mood or how they would rate something. Don’t be afraid to ask for candid opinions. 

Pro tip: Get detailed with your mood questions so your audience can better relate. For example, you could ask them what their mood has been throughout the week or to name specific moods. 

Best for brands in these niches: 

  • Mental health
  • Personal care
  • Stationery
  • Art and writing
  • Design

8. Spot it

How it works: If you’ve ever played “I spy” then you already know how to play “Spot it.” Simply take a busy image with several objects in it, add your product somewhere in the image, post it to your Story, and ask your audience to send you a DM identifying where the item is on the image. 

Pro tip: The more challenging you can make this game, the harder your audience will search to find your item. So make sure to include plenty of objects in your images! 

Best for brands in these niches:

  • Art and writing
  • Personal care
  • Jewelry
  • Home decor
  • Beauty
  • Pets

9. Three truths one lie

How it works: Post three truths and one lie about your business (or yourself) and ask your audience to DM you with the right guess. 

Pro tip: This works well for personal brands as a way for your followers to get to know you a bit better. Though if modified, it can also work just as well for brands without a spokesperson.

Best for brands in these niches:

  • Public figures
  • Beauty
  • Personal care
  • Home decor
  • Education
  • Art and writing

10. Today I will…

How it works: Post an ad-lib graphic with five positive statements that encourage your audience to fill in the blanks, repost, and tag you in their own Stories. A variation of the game is to share a list and ask your audience to create their own and tag you. 

Pro tip: Design a few graphics each month that you can pull from at a moment’s notice. Add questions that inspire reflection, gratefulness, and even your product where appropriate. 

Best for brands in these niches:

  • Public figures
  • Fitness
  • Beauty
  • Personal care
  • Education
  • Art and writing

11. The first three words describe

How it works: Challenge your audience to find the first three words in a crossword image, then tell them those words describe something about them. The content revealed in the crossword puzzle can be things like their superhero name, what they’re really wanting, or even what their week will look like. Ask your audience to post their results and tag you. 

Pro tip: Get creative with the combinations here. The better your combinations, the more fun your game will be (which can lead to more reposts and tags). 

Best for brands in these niches:

  • Comedy
  • TV
  • Fitness
  • Beauty
  • Media
  • Food

Make engagement fun with Instagram Story games

Hopefully, this list has inspired you to create your own Instagram Story game ideas as a fun way to grow your audience and increase engagement. Once you unlock the power of Instagram Story games with the help of the built-in Story stickers, the sky is the limit with the games you can come up with.

Learn how to grow your business and build an engaged audience on Instagram with our library of Instagram marketing guides.

Grow your Instagram following and make sales with Instagram Automation by ManyChat. Start free today.

The post 11 Instagram Story Game Ideas appeared first on Manychat Blog.

How to Create a Captivating Instagram Profile Picture https://manychat.com/blog/instagram-profile-picture/ https://manychat.com/blog/instagram-profile-picture/#respond Fri, 06 May 2022 23:51:26 +0000 https://manychat.com/blog/?p=19577 This article will cover the basics of how to create a memorable profile picture for leveling up your Instagram presence, with ideas and examples.

The post How to Create a Captivating Instagram Profile Picture appeared first on Manychat Blog.

It takes mere seconds for people to draw conclusions from a first impression. This begs the question: What conclusions would an internet stranger draw from seeing your Instagram profile picture for the first time? 

If you’re an ecommerce business, you’ll want to make sure your profile picture makes the best impression, based on your product, branding, and target audience. For creators building personal brands, a profile picture that shows off your personality can work best. 

Whatever the case may be, nailing your Instagram profile picture is an essential part of your marketing strategy. This article will cover the basics of how to create a memorable profile picture for leveling up your Instagram presence, with ideas and examples.

Instagram profile picture size and dimensions

To make your Instagram profile picture the best quality it can be, you need to be aware of the appropriate dimensions, so your image isn’t distorted. 

These are the general guidelines to stick to for your Instagram profile images: 

  • Ideal profile picture upload dimensions: 320 pixels by 320 pixels
  • Profile picture display dimensions: 110 pixels by 110 pixels

Keep in mind that your profile picture will display in a circle. So a square photo with a 1:1 ratio will work best. 

12 ideas for creating a captivating Instagram profile picture

1. Illustrate your profile photo

Who says profile photos have to be real pictures of you? Especially with the popularity of avatars and NFT profile pictures, now would be a good time to experiment with an illustrated profile image. 

If you’re not the face of your brand, consider using an illustration or other creative image instead. This can help you stand out from the crowd and get noticed for the right reasons.

An illustration is eye-catching and easy to remember, so people will have no trouble identifying you online. Don’t forget to update your profile picture regularly as your brand evolves, to keep people interested.

Creator @brookgossen is a perfect example of someone using the overall illustration theme of her brand to create a memorable profile image. 

A strong logo can be worth a thousand words. And while a face isn’t a necessary part of a logo, it can certainly help customers connect with a brand on a personal level.

Ecommerce brands can get away with using a logo that helps them be easy to identify. A cohesive brand image is essential for ecommerce businesses, and a logo can be a key part of achieving that.  

A logo profile picture like the one used by  cleaning brand @gocleanco, for example, really stands out in a crowded feed. 

3. Showcase your product

The brand creator isn’t the only element that should appear in a profile image: use your profile image to showcase your product too! 

This is a great way to get people to remember you for what you do and create brand recognition without the use of a logo. 

For instance, you can see creator @annaprice_art’s work in the background of her picture. That’s prime real estate for showing off what your brand stands for or what products you offer. It also doubles as an interesting background that’s hard to miss. 

Try “modeling” or including your products in your profile picture if you’re an ecommerce brand. This can also work well for creators selling merch. 

4. Play with fonts

Want to establish a strong brand identity? Fonts are a great place to start. 

Consider trying out different fonts to see what best represents your brand. Experiment with different styles, sizes, and contrasts to create a profile image that represents your brand well. 

With a little exploration, you can create a look that’s unique to your business by ensuring your fonts send the right visual message. The creator of @beautyisboring does a great job of playing with fonts that stand out. 

While a font profile image might not work as well for personal brands, it can be the right fit for ecommerce brands in industries like:

  • Self care
  • Beauty
  • Publishing and writing
  • Design

5. Swap out the background

Your background is just as important as the main focus of your profile picture. Why? Because it emphasizes your profile image’s focal point. 

Much like creator @serenakerrigan did with hers, choosing a contrasting color as part of your background (blue and peach) can make your profile image pop. Plus, it adds a bit of creative flair that catches people’s attention. 

Pro tip: Having trouble choosing complementary colors that work? Try out free color combination tools like:

6. Go professional

A professional image is timeless. And, depending on the brand image you’re trying to convey, it may help your target audience take you more seriously. 

In this case, creator @investdiva teaches people how to invest. So opting for a professional and sleek profile picture on a black background is an optimal choice. Don’t be afraid to stick to your brand values and visuals, even on Instagram. That way, you make sure you’re attracting the right audience by establishing an authentic presence on social platforms. 

7. Use photo editors

Free image editors like Canva can help you add flair and personality to your profile picture. This works for all types of influencers, creators, or even ecommerce accounts that want to add an extra element of design to their images. 

Creator and marketer @elizabethgoddard_uk does exactly that. The result? A profile picture that speaks to its target audience and is hard to miss. 

Take advantage of design elements like:

  • Emojis
  • Shapes and patterns
  • Brushes
  • Photo effects 
  • Filters
  • Image cropping
  • Background erasers
  • Color palette generators

8. Manipulate the lighting

Don’t be afraid to play with candid angles. They add a touch of familiarity and relatability to your personal brand. 

Accounts like @designmom use both angles and candid shots to create a welcoming feel that speaks well to its target audience. In the end, it’s all about taking the elements that ring true to your brand and using them to guide the creation of your ideal profile picture.

This might take some experimenting. But the more you play with different elements, mix and match styles, and try new formats, the closer you’ll get to an original profile picture that represents your brand well. 

9. Use bold patterns (that match your brand) to stand out 

Your profile picture doesn’t have to be all business. After all, Instagram is a social platform. A place where you can express yourself, create just about any brand image you want, and attract the right audience. 

Consider having fun with patterns if it fits your brand visuals. Creator and coach @thesubconsciousbrand’s profile picture stands out in a lineup because of the bold stripes and colors in the image. 

10. Aim for simplicity

On the other hand, simplicity often works well too. A simple profile picture can help your brand identity shine through. 

To create a simple profile image, avoid using busy patterns or bright colors that may be distracting. Instead, focus on using clean and simple color combinations that will get attention and leave a lasting impression.

Sometimes a simple profile image can include a face, and sometimes it’s all about including a simple logo on a solid background. 

Take notes from ecommerce brands like @on_running.

11. Include your co-founder

Guess what? Profile pictures don’t just have to include one person. Have a co-founder? Create a profile picture that includes both of you as the face of your brand. 

This simple profile picture will help personalize the experience for your followers and make your page more familiar. Plus, it’s a great way to show off your team if you work with one. 

12. Add sophistication with a black and white filter

Black and white is a timeless combination. As a creator or ecommerce brand, use it to your advantage. Not only does it add an air of professionalism to your brand, but it can also be a way to stand out in a sea of colorful imagery.

If the colorful side of the profile image spectrum doesn’t quite go with your brand, try the other extreme and opt for a black and white filter, like creator @kaylabarnes.

How to change your profile picture on Instagram

Whether you’re using Apple or Android, here’s how to change your profile picture: 

  1. On the Instagram app, tap on your profile picture to go to your account.
  2. Navigate to Edit Profile.
  3. Click on Edit Profile Photo.
  4. Select how you’d like to import your image.
  5. Click on Done once it’s finished uploading. 

Beyond Instagram profile picture ideas

When it comes to Instagram marketing, your profile picture is an important piece of the puzzle. It’s one of the first things people see when they come across your account, and it’s what will help them decide whether or not to follow you.

That’s why it’s important to choose a profile picture that represents your brand well. Aim for eye catching and memorable so you make a good digital first impression. It’s one more step in the process of creating a brand with staying power that reaches the right audience.

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