Toby Awalt Manychat Wed, 25 May 2022 18:16:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Toby Awalt 32 32 Creating Customer Segments with ManyChat Fri, 29 May 2020 16:41:20 +0000 Target your audience with timely, relevant, and engaging content using ManyChat's Customer Segment. Learn more today.

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Your customers are different and have different buying habits, wants, and needs. So it doesn’t make sense to show exactly the same information or offer to all of your buyers. Customer segmentation allows you to create targeted marketing campaigns that engage the right buyer at the right time.

And now you can do this in ManyChat with just a few clicks.

Our newest update lets you easily create customer segments so you can maximize your chat marketing with precise targeting that helps you better connect with your shoppers.

What is a customer segment?

Segmenting customers is critical to any successful business. On ManyChat, you can use Tags, Custom Fields, and System Fields to filter your audience based on their behavior, location, and demographics.

System Fields, like gender and “Last Interaction,” are automatically recorded by ManyChat for customers who chat with you through Facebook Messenger. Tags and Custom Fields you’ll have to create yourself and then apply to customers either manually from the Audience tab or automatically by using an Action Step inside of Flow Builder.

For example, say you want to send a text message about a new sale to men who recently interacted with your page. Additionally, you only want to offer it to people who gave a positive review and opted-in to receive sale notifications by phone. 

To target this set of customers in ManyChat, you can apply filters for the corresponding System Fields, Custom Fields, and Tags. In the Audience tab, it might look like the below:

create segments

Check out the “Create Segment” button on the right-hand side of the Audience tab. With this you can save several filters as a customer segment.

Why care about segments?

Saving a segment will save you a ton of time! Rather than setting up each filter individually, you can apply them all at once.

customer segments

It’s also a great way to easily remember important audience segments that you want to engage with regularly.

Once you have a few segments built, you can mix and match them the same way you would with other filters. This lets you apply really precise targeting in only a few clicks.

creating customer segments

In the above example, you can combine the segment “Recent High Reviews” with another segment of people who are “High-Value Customers.” This can consist of people who have made multiple purchases or tend to buy more profitable products.

By applying two segments, you can quickly identify a highly valuable set of customers that are part of both.

[Ven Diagram of Two Segments Overlapping]

How to create a segment

First, you’ll want to create the filters you want to include in your segment. To apply a filter in the Audience tab, click on “Filter” and then “+ Condition” and select the System Field, Tag, or Custom Field you want to filter by. 

how to create a segment

Depending on the type of field you choose, you’ll be asked to specify how you want to filter it. 

For tags, it’s as simple as “is” or “isn’t” (IE is the person tagged or not). For Custom Fields and system fields, it may be text-based (like “contains”), number-based (like “greater than”) or time-based (like “less than 10 days ago).

Once you have your filters set up, building a segment is easy! Just hit “Create Segment” and give it a name.

identify customer segments

Once you have created your segment, you’ll be able to use it anywhere you’d use a filter — like in conditions, rules, and building broadcasts.

Updating a segment is just as simple. Let’s say you want to narrow your existing segment even further to just people who like dress shoes.

customer organization

All you have to do is click the segment, add or remove a filter, and hit “Update Segment.”

And that’s all there is to it! Use ManyChat Segments to target your customers precisely and send them exactly what they want. That means better experiences for them and a better ROI for you! 

Not sure about what segments to build? Check out our other article on 4 Awesome Customer Segmentation Examples (And Why They Work). Or check out our whole list of blogs on segmenting.

Note: ManyChat Segments is available to ManyChat Pro. Learn more about Pro here.

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Quickly Update Photos Across Flows with Dynamic Images Thu, 21 May 2020 17:10:52 +0000 Quickly update and manage images across your ManyChat campaigns and flows with Dynamic Images.

The post Quickly Update Photos Across Flows with Dynamic Images appeared first on Manychat Blog.

Imagine that you’re a camping supply company and you’re selling an awesome, portable camping stool through ManyChat. And when setting up your ManyChat campaign, you used photos of the stool in several different flows and flow steps. Now you want to update your flows with a new picture. Normally, you would have to track down each photo and update one by one. 

This can be a tedious task. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a simpler way? Good news. We are launching Dynamic Image Blocks to help you quickly update and manage images across your ManyChat campaigns and flows.


Now instead of uploading an image each time, you can insert an image URL. Not only does this make building your flows faster — less downloading, uploading, and file management — but it also allows you to easily update a photo in multiple places with just one click.

Dynamic Images Can Help You To:

  1. Replace the same image across multiple steps or flows all at once
  2. Automatically sync product images with your Shopify Store or Website
  3. Use customer choices (like favorite color) to send the most relevant photo

Update An Image In Multiple Steps Or Flows At Once

The easiest way to quickly update a single image in multiple spots is to combine Dynamic Images with Bot Fields. 


If you don’t recall, Bot Fields are Custom Fields that stay consistent across your flows. When you insert a Bot Field into a message, it acts as a variable like [First Name], except it’s consistent across users. 

So when you update a Bot Field, it instantly makes that change in all of the messages where you’ve placed it, for every subscriber. You can update Bot fields from Settings → Custom Fields.

To change our stool image above, you would just update the “value” of the field below:

product image

Why is this so awesome?

By changing the value of the Bot Field, you update the URL of the image in every spot you’ve placed it, instantly changing it across ManyChat.

Keeping Images Consistent With Your Website Or Shopify Store

If you use the same image URL for your Bot Field as you do on your website, updating an image on your website will automatically change it across all of your Chat Marketing efforts. Just make sure that you’re uploading a new image to the same URL.

Here’s an example of updating an image at the same URL using WordPress.


If you’ve integrated your Shopify Store with ManyChat, anytime you make a change to your Shopify Catalog, it will automatically update Shopify Image URLs used for things like your product catalog or  Abandoned Cart Recovery card galleries.

Customizing Images for Each Shopper

Let’s say our awesome camping stool is available in a variety of fun colors. As part of your flow leading up to a sale, you could ask a customer what their favorite color is.

With Dynamic Image Blocks, we can make sure that the stool they see matches the color they chose. 

Here we’ll use a Custom User Field to modify which image from our website is shown based on a customer’s color choice.

product pictures

So if a shopper chooses “blue” as their favorite color, we can save it to the Custom Field “Favorite Color” and use it to update the image URL so that it displays a blue stool. If another customer instead puts “yellow” they’ll see a yellow one.

The typical alternative would be to build a specific message step for each customer choice, which can end up as large, harder-to-manage flows. 

Using Dynamic Images can keep your flows simpler and better organized, especially if you have many options.

We hope this update saves you time and makes building and maintaining your Chat Marketing strategy easier. 

If you love this update and want to hear about more updates more often, sign up for The Chat to get briefed every month on what’s new!

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How to Use One-Time Notifications for Facebook Messenger Fri, 21 Feb 2020 11:49:33 +0000 Good news, you can send messages to subscribers beyond 24 hours with the one-time notification rule. Learn more about how to use OTN.

The post How to Use One-Time Notifications for Facebook Messenger appeared first on Manychat Blog.

Using the One-time Notification tool for Facebook Messenger is an easy and effective way of re-engaging your customers after 24 hours.

Meta introduced the One-time Notification (OTN) in 2020 to give you the ability to broadcast and contact your subscribers one time beyond 24 hours as long as they give you explicit permission.

One-time Notifications are perfect for:

  • Back in stock notifications
  • Sales
  • Sending Coupons
  • And sending any sorts of time-sensitive reminders. 

Note: In 2022, the Recurring Notification was released to give customers the ability to receive messages on a recurring basis. If you are looking to send recurring broadcasts and/or messages to your customers on a more frequent basis than one-time, the Recurring Notification option is better which allows you to re-engage on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Read more about the Recurring Notification here.

Here’s an example of the OTN in action:

Here’s Facebook’s example of a useful OTN Situation:

Facebook's Example of the one-time use feature

Like Message Tags, One-Time Notifications do have some specific rules:

  • No Deception – The message that you send using an OTN must match what a user agreed to receive.
  • No Incentives – You can’t give subscribers something of monetary value or equivalent in return for signing up to receive an additional message. However, the message they sign up to receive can be valuable, IE a notification when a specific item goes on sale.

Implementing One-Time Notifications from Start to Send

Follow these three steps to get started with OTNs, get access, request an OTN permission from subscribers, and then begin sending your OTN messages.

Applying For One-Time Notification Access

To begin using One-Time Notifications, you’ll need to request permission to access it in your page settings under “Advanced Messaging.”


In most cases, OTN permission will be granted instantaneously.

Requesting A One-Time Notification permission From Subscribers

Once you’ve gained access to One-Time Notifications, you’ll see a new message block option appear in Flow Builder called “OTNR” (it stands for One-Time Notification Request).


After selecting the “OTNR” message block, you will be asked to select or create an OTN Topic. Creating an OTN Topic is just as easy as building a new custom field, tag, or conversion event. Note that the OTN Topic name won’t be sent to Facebook, so it doesn’t need to perfectly match the content – feel free to use whatever naming conventions work for you.

When building the OTNR block, you will be able to customize the main text, but Facebook Messenger restricts us from updating the text on the button. It will always say “Notify Me”. It will also be rendered in the subscriber’s language in the Messenger thread.

Once you have your topic set, add your new OTN Request to your flow wherever it’s appropriate. Some scenarios in which an OTN can be useful include:

  • When a subscriber requests an item that is out of stock
  • When a subscriber wants an update about an upcoming event (when tickets go on sale for example)
  • When a subscriber indicates they’re interested in a future sale, promotion, or sweepstake
  • When a subscriber wants to receive a specific piece of content that isn’t ready for distribution yet
  • To extend drip sequences that have longer than 24-hour delays between each message. If your subscribers keep agreeing to the next part of the sequence, you can keep sending

Sending A One-Time Notification

Using an OTN to send a message works similar to adding a message tag. On the first message of a flow, select a One-Time Notification Topic as the Content Type.


This will bring up a list of your existing OTN topics. Select the one that corresponds to the message that you want to send

Once applied, the OTN works like any other message tag: It allows you to send the message outside of the 24-hour window (to subscribers who have opted in). Consider one important caveat, though: you may only send a single message block when using an OTN. To send any additional messages, a user must interact with your first message.

So make sure that your OTN message:

  1. Delivers the content that a subscriber requested in the first message
  2. Offers a compelling reason to interact with your brand and open up the 24-hour window

More Details About One-Time Notifications

Beyond the how-to, there are a few other useful things to know about OTNs.

Accumulating One-Time Notifications

While one-time notifications can only be used once (as the name might imply), you can accumulate multiple OTNs for a single subscriber. The catch is that each one must be requested separately. So if you have five different things you want to send a subscriber, they’ll need to agree to each one individually.

The same is true if you want to remind a subscriber about the same topic on multiple occasions — they will need to agree to each reminder. For example, if a subscriber wants to receive a reminder about an upcoming sale one day before and one hour before, each of those notifications must be agreed to separately (but both could use the same OTN Topic inside of ManyChat).

One-Time Notification Content

The message that you send using an OTN is limited to a single content block, but the type of content that you send is not limited. That means you can send over text, an image, card, gallery, video, audio, or file.

Inside the 24-Hour Window

ManyChat will automatically default to standard messaging for subscribers who are inside of the 24-hour window. That means if someone grants you an OTN, but receives that message within 24 hours of their last interaction, you’ll still keep the OTN for future use.

Previewing An OTN Flow

When you preview a flow that uses an OTN using ManyChat “Preview” feature, it will not actually use the OTN. Instead it will be sent as a regular text block with the button. We made this to avoid problems with Facebook’s OTN abuse monitoring in situations of extensive Flow testing when you naturally might send numerous OTNs to yourself within a short timeframe.

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Product Update: ManyChat Analytics, Conversion Tracking, and the ManyChat Pixel Tue, 28 Jan 2020 11:00:00 +0000 Struggling to get a deep understanding of your audience through ManyChat? Not anymore. Introducing ManyChat Analytics and more product updates. Learn more.

The post Product Update: ManyChat Analytics, Conversion Tracking, and the ManyChat Pixel appeared first on Manychat Blog.

While having “many chats” with Conversations 2019 attendees, we learned our community wanted an easier way to understand performance differences between campaigns and individual flows. So we set out to build a system that would highlight key information like revenue generated, contact data collected, and overall interaction rates. 

Then we took it one step further – building out our own pixel so that you can connect those ManyChat conversations to conversions on your website.

Let’s take a quick look at the different parts of ManyChat Analytics which is available with your ManyChat Pro subscription.

Conversion Types

ManyChat Analytics supports five types of conversions at the moment. There are three that are automatic, and two that you can customize to fit your needs.

Buy Button Conversions 

ManyChat Analytics will automatically identify in-Messenger purchases through a buy button as a conversion — logging the total cart value as “earned” revenue for the flow where the purchase happened. Use this conversion type to determine which flows are bringing you the most revenue from purchases inside of Messenger.

free to pro example
Example of creating a buy button in ManyChat.

Contact Collection Conversions 

Any time you collect an email address or phone number as a system field, it will be counted as a conversion in your flow. Use this conversion type to find which flows are the best at helping you collect leads or build your contact list.

The best way to gather contact info is with a “User-Input” step. Make sure to toggle on the “system field” option and confirm your subscriber’s consent to receive messages on another channel.

user input block
Example of building a User-Input Step to collect phone numbers.

Shopify Conversions

If you use ManyChat’s Shopify integration, we’ll automatically record revenue when someone clicks through on a flow that starts by using the “Shopify Abandoned Cart” trigger. This will help you quickly tally the revenue you rescue by combining ManyChat with your Shopify store.

Shopify integration with ManyChat
Example abandoned cart Shopify flow.

Action Step Conversions 

Action Step Conversions are customizable conversions that you can insert anywhere an Action step would normally go. You can also assign a specific revenue value to any Action Step Conversion. This value will be attributed as “earned” revenue to the flow every time a conversion is recorded.

Creating a custom conversion using an Action Step.

Use Action step Conversions to record other key moments in your flows that you want to quickly compare. This is important for businesses that have more than one step in their conversion funnel. 

For example, imagine you’re a gym that uses a 7-day challenge as a key tactic in getting people to join. While opting-in for your Messenger content doesn’t equal a sale, it’s still an important conversion moment on the way to becoming a customer. You would definitely want to test different flows and growth tools and compare which has the highest conversion rate for the 7-day challenge.

Pixel Conversions

With the ManyChat Pixel, you can connect people who click through to your site from a button on Messenger to their actions on your website. When subscribers convert on your website, it will be recorded and attributed to the flow that they came from.

Pixel conversions are great if you are only able to sell your product or service on your own website. Now you can connect those conversions directly to the flow that prompted them. And remember, just like action steps, a Pixel conversion doesn’t have to be a sale. It could be filling out a lead form or viewing a certain page that indicates interest to convert in the future.

Get started by going to Automation → Pixel and grabbing your pixel code.

ManyChat Pixel
ManyChat Pixel code

Installing the ManyChat Pixel, like any tracking code, takes a little bit of effort. You can read up on how to do it here — it’s worth it!

How to View Analytics

Now that you’ve got your conversions set up, it’s time to take a look at what’s working and what isn’t. We’ve added some new items to existing dashboards as well as an entirely new metrics dashboard.

The Metrics Dashboard

A new tab called “Metrics” is now available in your dashboard on ManyChat Pro. Just click the tab to see an overview of revenue and specific conversions across all of your flows. 

The metrics blocks located above the charts display these key metrics that represent the health of your business in your selected currency:

  • Earned shows the total revenue earned for the specified time period.
  • ARPPU (Average Revenue Per Paying User) shows how much revenue you’ve made from a unique paying customer (we call them “buyers”) for a specified time period. Use it to compare your marketing expenses so you can understand if your strategy is leading to success.
  • APC (Average Payment Count) shows your sales retention rate of a buyer by displaying the average number of purchases each unique buyer makes for the specified time period. For example, if your APC =1, this means that you’re averaging one purchase per unique buyer. A higher APC means that your buyers are making repeat purchases, indicating loyalty to your business.
  • Sales show the total number of sales made for the specified time period.
  • Buyers show the total number of unique buyers who have purchased a product for the specified time period.

If you’re a Shopify user who has connected their store to ManyChat with our native integration, your Shopify metrics will be pulled directly from your store into the metrics dashboard automatically. 

The revenue graph shows the total amount of revenue generated from each day, combined across all flows. 

Revenue Dashboard

The Conversion Events Graph lets you explore specific individual conversions. This will help you figure out what is driving revenue and understand progress on non-revenue goals like contact collection or moving subscribers deeper into your sales funnel.


Both graphs can be configured for a specific period of time. This is really helpful to get an overview of results from a single campaign that ran for a month, week, or a couple of days.

Analytic Calendar

We’ll be adding more options to this tab over time.

Highest Revenue Flows

We’ve also added a new section to the Bot Overview tab on your dashboard to display your highest grossing flows. It will automatically show the flows that are earning the most revenue for your business.

Revenue Flow

Right next to the “Most Profitable Flows” section will be the cumulative total revenue earned to date (“Earned” above) and the total number of conversion events that contributed to that revenue (“Payments” above).

Flow Specific Analytics

Beyond the overviews in your Dashboard, we’ve made it easier to look at earnings from individual flows. When looking at a published flow (but not in editing mode) you’ll be able to see summary statistics for the flow. This includes the total number of unique subscribers, the number of times it was sent, revenue earned, and contact information collected. Between these stats, you can quickly understand the overall value that a flow is generating for your business.

Flow growth revenue

By clicking an individual message step, the statistics will update to include delivery rates, open rates, click rates, and a new metric we call “Starting Step Conversion Rate.” This gives the conversion for the number of people who reached a particular step after starting the flow. (The denominator here is the unique subscribers who started the flow, so if someone returns to the flow more than once and doesn’t convert, it won’t lower the conversion rate).

Action step

The Starting Step Conversion Rate is useful for comparing how different subscriber choices or A/B tests impact subscribers reaching a certain point in the flow. For example, say you’re measuring which coupon options motivate your subscribers to opt-in to receive content updates via SMS. You can run an A/B test inside of your flow with different incentive options, and then see how many people opt-in for each path.

A-B Test

The example above is intentionally simple, but imagine if there were several steps on each path where users could drop off. As a flow grows in complexity, the Starting Step Conversion Rate becomes useful to quickly determine which paths are performing best.

Finally, we’ve added an “earned” column to flow folders so that you can quickly compare the revenue generated between different flows.

earned revenue

More Coming Soon

All this is only the beginning! We plan to keep making ManyChat Analytics more robust – and when we do we’ll come back to this article and update it to fit. Some items we’re working on right now to look forward to:

  • Using Custom User Fields or Bot Fields as a conversion value inside of a custom conversion (Action steps).  
  • Using custom conversions as a part of Rule-based automation

Can’t get knee-deep in insights because you don’t have ManyChat Pro? Upgrade today!

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