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Use code igsummit23 to claim Manychat Pro FREE for 30 days* for one account! *Valid for new accounts only

How to Navigate Manychat Account Administration

How to Navigate Manychat Account Administration

Managing accounts and user roles within Manychat is straightforward, there are some points that you need to be aware of and several key features. How to Navigate Manychat Account Administration will guide you through the various user roles and settings so that you can have the right people accessing the proper functionalities.

In this module you’ll learn: 

  • All the Manychat User Roles
  • How to manage Facebook Page Roles
  • What are the Live Chat roles
  • And more

Manychat Course Expert: Henry Chen, Founder of Wedding Chat Marketing & Wedding Photographer

About Henry Chen

Henry Chen has been a wedding photographer since 2007, specializing in multi-cultural, faith, and ethnic weddings. In the past year, Henry started Wedding Chat Marketing – a chat marketing agency that helps wedding professionals, venues, and creative entrepreneurs successfully use chat marketing to generate leads and earn more while saving time. Henry is also a YouTuber, backpacker/hiker, and most importantly, a husband and father...

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